Monday, November 24, 2014

Does your Small Business, Organization, or Artistic Career, need a high profile social media presence?

Are you Eco-friendly and wish to join other GREEN affiliates with synergy?

Are you too busy and overwhelmed to manage Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr and other free social media outlets?

Are you still in the process of developing your branding and marketing strategy?

We can help! Contact us for media specialist services and rates!

(Check out the eight pages we currently manage, give them a like and share on your Facebook timeline!)

JOIN the Nature Movement!


What is the Eco Arts Council all about? Art. Advocacy. Education. Environment. We are a Community and support "Creative Collaborative Networking" and you are invited to get involved!
We are Artists, Parents, Educators, Students, City Planners, Community Builders, Volunteers, Eco-designers, Eco-architects, Eco-Landscapers, Creative Placemaking Advocates, and more! Join our team and the Nature Movement! Contact the Eco Arts Council for more information on different ways in which you can get involved!